The Fighting Machinists
The Defense Union

The IAM represents tens of thousands of defense workers including employees working for Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Amentum, Vertex, M1, TK&K, Huntington Ingalls, S3, C2 Technologies, GCR, Pheonix Logistics, Tamco, Vectrus, ATC, Spectra, APRO, Zenetex, Valliant, Armtec, Berring Sea Environmental, General Dynamics, Boeing, and many more.

The Machinists Union is the largest aerospace and defense union in north America, representing over 10,000 Lockheed Martin employees at 34 sites across the USA. The IAM is one of the oldest and most prestigious labor unions in the U.S. and takes tremendous pride in representing the workers who make it possible for our great nations' safety and security. From manufacturing and Maintenance to the flight simulators and instructors, the IAM's members see it through from start to finish. We are proud to say that our former International President got his start as an Aircraft Mechanic at Lockheed Martin, in Fort Worth, Texas and our Current International President came out of General Dynamics in Bathe Maine.

We represent Amentum/DynCorp/PAE employees stationed all over the United States. From Army Bases like our own group at Fort Johnson Army Base in Louisiana to Customs and Border Patrol workers maintaining our country's equipment, we can thank an IAM rank and file member.
We have over 16 Raytheon sites, 11 General Dynamics sites, 34 Lockheed sites and represent more DoD workers than any other Union in the world.

Why do defense workers choose to unionize with the IAM? Because defense workers understand the importance of legacy, fraternity, and professionalism. The IAM was founded in 1888, our legacy is set in the history of labor and the construction of the United States we know and love today. Our staff receives the best education in the industry, in fact we own our very own labor college in Hollywood, Maryland. Join the thousands of aerospace, defense and service contract workers that keep this countries equipment and defense systems running so that our men and women in uniform can serve with the tools and equipment needed to come home safe and sound.