Meet Our Team
Here at IAMAW District W2021 we have a team of trained professionals to assist our members with any work-related issues and even personal issues when tragedies occur. We at the IAMAW pride ourselves in the fact that all of our Business Representatives and Organizers were once members working on the shop floor and volunteering years of their lives for the betterment of their fellow workers. Our dedicated team has experienced every possible scenario first hand and has the experience needed to guide our members through contract negotiations, grievances, arbitrations and even personal situations that may require our EAP program for a member or their family.

Directing Business Representative (District President)
Charles Bennett
Chuck Bennett is the President/Directing Business Representative of DL W2021 in Lake Charles La. He is a 22-year member of the IAM&AW and has been a local lodge trustee, steward, committeeman, vice president, and president for LL 470. He is a proud Unionist that has committed his life to fighting for my sisters and brothers at the jobsite and the bargaining table. As an advocate for working families, he makes sure our local, state, and federal lawmakers know the issues effecting workers and strive to give labor an equal voice.
In addition to the duties of President/Directing Business Representative, he also serves as the president of the Louisiana State Council of Machinists, President of the IAMAW Wood, Pulp, and Paper Council, Trustee on the Forestry Products National Labor-Management Committee, Vice-President District 5 for the Louisiana State AFL-CIO executive board, and President of the Southwest Louisiana Central Trades and Labor Council. Through participation on these many councils and committees, he can bring the best and freshest ideas to District Lodge W2021.
"It is my goal to make sure that the members of DL W2021 get the most out of their membership in the IAMAW."

Business Representative
John Piatt
Business Representative John Piatt is a 22-year member of the IAMAW. John became a member working in aerospace and became President of Local Lodge 18 in Meridian, Mississippi. He was eventually elected to a full-time position doing what he had been volunteering to do for so many years.

Business Representative Wade Istre
Business Representative Wade Istre is a 15 year member of the IAMAW. Wade started out working at Westlake Chemical in Lake Charles, Louisiana. He served as President of Local Lodge 470 before being elected to a full time Business Representative position.

District Lodge Secretary Treasurer
Kendell Morgan
District Lodge Secretary Treasurer, Kendell Morgan is an active member Vertex. Kendell is an aerospace worker in Meridian, Mississippi out of Local Lodge 18.

District Lodge office Secretary Chauntelle LeJeune

District Organizer
Shawn Vanderjack
Shawn Vanderjack became a member of the IAM in 2008. He was a volunteer for over 12 years while still working for Roseburg Forest Products. Shawn has been a shop steward, chief shop steward, plant committee member, bargaining committee member, Local Lodge trustee, Local Lodge Vice President, Local Lodge President, President of the Five Counties Central Labor Council and an Associate Organizer for the IAM, Woodworkers Dept. Shawn came out of a plywood mill where he worked for over 13 years before being brought on staff.