The IAM was founded in Atlanta Georgia May 5th, 1888, by a group of railroad workers. Since then, we have become one of the most diverse unions in America. Our union has helped lead the fight in every major worker's issue in the last 150 years. These fights include the eight-hour day, overtime, weekends and the fight for equal pay for everyone no matter their race or gender. With nearly 700,000 active and retired members and representing 2,034 jobsites across North America. We represent workers at Boeing, United Airlines, Amentum, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon (RTX), Aerojet, General Dynamics, Pratt & Whitney, General Electric and Harley-Davidson just to name a few. We are the largest Defense union, the largest aerospace union, and the largest SCA union in the USA.
IAM members demand respect and dignity in the workplace. Together, we have been able to bargain for increased job security, higher wages and improved benefits. Although our organization was founded as a railroad union, we now represent thousands of workers in HEALTHCARE, the WOOD, PULP AND PAPER industry, AEROSPACE, MANUFACTURING, SERVICE CONTRACT EMPLOYEES and GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES.
We believe it is a natural right of working people to enjoy to the full extent of the wealth created by their labor.
We believe that given the state of work in our current world, people must unite to obtain the full reward of their labor.
We believe that working people should exercise their rights cooperatively and economically for the benefit of all people.
Therefore, we, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), pledge ourselves to work for our Members to continue to preserve and grow the IAM on the basis of solidarity and justice, and to strive for a higher standard of living for people who work.
For 130 years, the Machinists Union has fought for workers’ rights and benefits.
Pensions, medical insurance, paid vacation, holidays, personal holidays, sick pay, shift differential, etc., are generally not only better in a union shop, many of these don’t even exist without a union contract.
There is strength in unity – and the Machinists Union provides workers with a powerful, collective voice to communicate to management. We are a full-service Labor Union, whatever your past experience with other unions has been, leave it at the door. We are old Union Blood, and we are selective about what shops we choose to join our fraternity.
Regardless of your specific needs, the union is here to help. Union members:
Earn wages, on average, 26 percent higher than non-union workers, and 41 percent higher if you include benefits.
Have a rate of 89 percent participation, in a Pension Plan.
Are more likely to have employer-provided health insurance benefits.
Have greater access to apprenticeships and training opportunities.
Have the right to negotiate rather than "take it or leave it".
Respect on the Job
A union contract puts rules in place that allow you to do your job without fear of retaliation or unjust treatment. If you feel those rules have been broken, you have the legal right to appeal through a grievance procedure. Everyone is treated with respect. Not just management’s favorites.
Voice in the Workplace
A union provides you the opportunity to sit down with management and negotiate over the issues that matter to you. Things like raises, medical benefits, vacation time and other work rules will be determined through your negotiations with your employer. Dont buy into the "you'll lose your individual voice" nonsense... How's that working for you; without a union?
Strength & Security
There’s strength in numbers. By joining together in a union, managers will no longer be able to make the rules up as they go. A union job means the guarantee of a contract that establishes wages, hours and terms and conditions of work. They cannot cut your healthcare, they cannot fire you because they don't like you, they cannot break your contract in anyway whatsoever!