The Labor Union of Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Texas and Alabama.
The IAMAW District W2021 is a branch of the Machinists Unions' Southern Territory. The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers is a membership-driven labor union, founded in 1888 and recognized as one of the most prestigious in North America. With our experienced team of representatives that have been pulled off the shop floors and given the best training in the labor movement, the IAMAW District W2021 is dedicated to protecting the rights and interests of workers across a wide range of industries.
We will not sit quietly while corporations use the Southern worker in the same manner GM and Ford use 3rd world labor. We will not bear witness to American labor subjected to exploitation and the loss of the Southern workers dignified paychecks.
We are The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, we played a role in the 8-hour day, overtime pay, OSHA standards, sick days, pensions, social security benefits and much more. Today we are once again ready to remind corporate America why they called us, "The Fighting Machinists".
Our Labor Union offers superior representation for over 2,035 job sites across the United States. District W2021 covers 18 local lodges in 5 states, and we specialize in representing workers under the Service Contract Act, Aerospace Workers, and Industrial Workers of all industries. With 136 years of experience, we are proud to offer the best representation and negotiated union benefits in the labor movement.